Collection: Grafted Hybrids

In modern horticulture grafting is used for a variety of purposes: to repair injured trees, to produce dwarf trees and shrubs, to strengthen plants’ resistance to certain diseases, to retain varietal characteristics, to adapt varieties to adverse soil or climatic conditions, to ensure pollination, to produce multi-fruited or multi-flowered plants, and to propagate certain species that can be propagated in no other way. 

Here are some benefits of grafting succulents and cacti:

Faster growth: Grafted plants can grow faster and flower earlier than non-grafted plants. 

Stronger plants: Grafting can make plants stronger and more resilient, improving their overall health and longevity. 

Unique varieties: Grafting can create unique hybrids by combining different species of cacti. 

Conservation: Grafting can help preserve rare or endangered cactus species. 

Disease-free stems: Grafting can produce disease-free stems.

 New stems: Grafting can provide a new stem for a rotting stem. 

Enhanced photosynthesis: Grafting can strengthen photosynthesis in plants that cannot do so on their own.

Unique forms: Grafting can create unique forms, such as weeping plants.